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In September 2023, we will be doing a one-time division of our 900 existing two year peonies. Our goal is to expand from 900 to about 2,000 plants. It will then be another 3-4 years until our first harvest.  Above is an image of them just popping up in April 2023


The fun part? We expect to have extra root stock for sale!


The hard work comes in September when we will dig up and divide the plants, carefully replanting them all later in the month. The fields will then be covered with landscape fabric to suppress weeds. As peonies can live 50+ years, at least this is only a one time project!


Below you will find the varieties that we will have available for sale. The roots for sale will be 2-3 or 3-5 eye.


All photos are stock photos of peonies from the root growers. We have not let ours flower yet to take our own photos as we wanted to ensure strong roots. They were labeled carefully at planting time to avoid confusion in varieties when we dig them this fall. 




Peonies can live 50+ years so choose your spot carefully. You can dig them up and divide them/move them- but the bigger they get, the harder a task this is. The best roots are divided at two years of age for the least stress on the plant (and the person digging them up). 


At planting, mix compost and 1/8 cup bone meal in the bottom of the hole. Peonies should be buried with the eyes 1 ½ - 2" below the top of the soil.  If they are too deep, they will not bloom.  For the first two years, cut off all blooms- I know it is hard, but you want the plants energy spent making strong roots. As soon as you see the little flower buds forming, remove them.  The third year, remove half the blooms.  Fertilize once in spring and again in July.  In the fall, cut down to about 2-3" above the soil and remove all leaves/stems. We have botrytis in Southeast Alaska and this is harmful to peonies.  It will live in the leaves and stems then re-infect the new shoots in the spring if you don't thoroughly clean up each fall.


Contact us if you want information on purchasing peony roots!  Price list will be posted in the coming months along with online ordering options. VERY LIMITED QUANTITIES!





Sarah Bernhardt


Lady Alexandra Duff

Dr. Alexander Fleming


Victoria de le Marne

Lemon Chiffon


Raspberry Sundae


Festiva Maxima


Felix Crousse

Red Charm

Charles White

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